
Genetics is not linked to the Celtic languages, and the haplogroup r1b is also found in abundance in places where there is no record that they speak Celtic languages
" an investigation into the origins of the British issued today by scientists from the university of Oxford reveals that the celts belonged to more than a single gene pool.
The Research, published today in the journal "nature", it has been based on dna data of almost 2.000 adults who live near his four grandparents in a rural area of various parts of the UK.
The Professor at the university of Oxford Mark Robinson stressed to the BBC that he's "very surprised" with the genetic differences that groups are presenting celts in Cornwall, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
"at the beginning of the investigation I assumed there would be a genetic thread uniform among the celts from Cornwall to Wales or Scotland and, as evidenced by the survey, it has not been the case final", added Robinson.
Peter Donnelly, also a professor of the university, pointed out that, although the people of Cornwall have a Celtic descent, "genetically are much more similar to the people of any part of England, for example, the welsh". (... ) ":
The Celts belonged to more than a genetic group, according to a study, the vanguard, 18/03/2015: http://www.lavanguardia.com/…/los-celtas-pertenecian-a-mas-…
Map: the distribution of Haplogroup R1b The Y chromosome: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogrupo_R1b_del_cromosoma_Y

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