Our ancient family has come from Western Germany, branching out to the south into Switzerland & North-West into the Netherlands.
We settled all over the British Isles; from there we made our way to the Eastern coastline of the United States.
Y-DNA - Advanced Y-STR Markers:
Y-STR DNA-FP Panel 5 Palindromic Pack
Marker - DYS464X
Value: 15c-15c-17c-17g (cccg)
Wales Cymru DNA Project - Results...
Byrnes DNA... Bran...
The Leinster Modal... (Monarchy of all Ireland about 200AD) King Conn - Cathair Mor King of Leinster...
Quilliam (FitzWilliam)... William Rufus...
Walden/Waldon/Waldron/Wallen/Walling Y-DNA Results... Anglo-Saxon, Essex, Yorkshire...

One possibility is the Scottish cluster of L257 is reminiscent of the Roman-Frisian presence along the Hadrian Wall, as archeologically attested by Housesteads Ware finds. This pottery has a strong relationship to contemporary pottery found in the northern part of the Netherlands. Jobey (1979) published about its relationship to “Frisian pottery” in Frisia, Groningen and Zuid Holland. New finds in Noord Holland can be added: Schagen, Uitgeest, Assendelver Polders, possibly the island of Texel. It has been dated between the first and fourth century AD, sometimes identified by the name Tritsum pottery that is a subdivision of what in Dutch is known as “Streepband-aardewerk” (something like “stripe strip pottery”), that by this name has been found all over along the Dutch coastal areas. The “oldest” Swiss/Dutch cluster of L257 (defined by U106*-like DYS464X=cccg) was found in the neighborhood of Aargau, northern Swiss. A peculiar Swiss tradition has it that Swiss was populated in the Migration Period by a considerable contigent of Frisians:
[...] in a chronicle written by one John Pfintiner of Uri, about 1414. In the Waldstetten the ethnographical legend of that chronicle
(which has perished) found, of course, ready credence and great favour. It was soon improved by Johann Friind, State Secretary of Schwyz, who composed an enlarged and embellished version of it. This official annalist gave most liberal details of the emigration of the Waldstetten people from Sweden and Frisia, and derives the name of Swiz, subsequently changed into Schwyz, from one of their leaders called Swyterus. (Buchheim 1871, p.xlvii)
A third cluster is also present in the Netherlands (where we could expect a presumably Frisian SNP), while the fourth has an undefined distribution in England. The fifth cluster, however, is specifically linked to one surname, Waters, that originates in Shropshire, Mercian territory.
Austrasia: eastern land; Merovingian - formed the northeastern portion of the Kingdom of the Merovingian Franks, comprising parts of the territory of present-day eastern France, western Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
Merovech... Salian Franks... Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor... House of Habsburg... House of Valois-Burgundy... Salland... Childeric I... Merovingian... Clovis...
Kings & Queens of England or Great Britain:
James I (1566-1625) => R1b-L21 (Y-DNA)
Charles I (1600-1649) => R1b-L21 (Y-DNA)
Charles II (1630-1685) => R1b-L21 (Y-DNA)
James II (1633-1701) => R1b-L21 (Y-DNA)
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh => R1b (Y-DNA)
Charles, Prince of Wales => R1b (Y-DNA)
William, Prince of Wales => R1b (Y-DNA)
Kings & Queens of Denmark:
All the Kings of Denmark since Christian I (reigned from 1448) belonged to haplogroup R1b (Y-DNA)
Christian I (1426-1481)
John (1455-1513)
Christian II (1481-1559)
Frederick I
Christian III
Frederick II
Christian IV
Frederick III
Christian V
Frederick IV
Christian VI
Frederick V
Christian VII
Frederick VI
Christian VIII
Frederick VII
Christian IX (1818-1906)
Frederick VIII (1843-1912)
Christian X (1870-1947)
Frederick IX (1899-1972)
Kings of Norway
Haakon VII (1872-1957) => R1b (Y-DNA)
Olav V (1903-1991) => R1b (Y-DNA)
Harald V (1937-) => R1b (Y-DNA)
Kings & Queens of Sweden
Christian I (1426-1481) => R1b (Y-DNA)
John (1455-1513) => R1b (Y-DNA)
Christian II (1481-1559) => R1b (Y-DNA)
Tsars & Empress of Russia
Romanov dynasty since Paul I => R1b (Y-DNA) :
Paul I (1754-1801)
Alexander I (1777-1825)
Constantine I (1779-1831)
Nicholas I (1796-1855)
Alexander II (1818-1881)
Alexander III (1845-1894)
Nicholas II (1868-1918)
Kings & Queens of Greece
George I (1845-1913) => R1b (Y-DNA)
Constantine I (1868-1923) => R1b (Y-DNA)
Alexander (1893-1920) => R1b (Y-DNA)
George II (1890-1947) => R1b (Y-DNA)
2 Steps from Exact: DYS391 & DYS439
DYS393 DYS390 DYS19** DYS391 DYS385 DYS426 DYS388 DYS439 DYS389I DYS392 DYS389II***
13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29
13 24 14 10 11-14 11 13 13 29
Pharaoh Tutankhamun, Akhenaten and Amenhotep III were R1b:
The Egyptians have tested autosomal and Y-DNA markers of three Pharaohs of the 18th dynasty : Amenhotep III, his son Akhenaten and grandson Tutankhamun.
Mark of man - Cro-Magnon DNA - Freemasonry from Pharaohs to Frankish / Normans