Haplogroup R1b1a2: Single Nucleotide Polymorphism test: Positive for the following SNPs: P25+ M343+ M269+ M207+ M173+; Haplogroup R1b is the most common haplogroup in European populations. It is believed to have expanded throughout Europe as humans re-colonized after the last glacial period ended approximately 10-12 thousand years ago. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype.
Our DNA Results:
M173+ M207+ M269+ M343+ P25+ M126- M153- M160- M18- M222- M37- M65- M73- P66- SRY2627-
393 390 19* 391 385a 385b 426 388 439 389-1 392 389-2***
13 24 14 11 11 14 12 12 12 13 13 29
Haplogroup R1b is the most common haplogroup in European populations. It is believed to have expanded throughout Europe as humans re-colonized after the last glacial maximum 10-12 thousand years ago. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype.
HVR1 Haplogroup U5a1a
HVR1 differences from CRS
Caggegi-Raciti mt-DNA Results:
Fuoti-Raciti mt-DNA Results:
Specific mitochondrial haplogroups are typically found in different regions of the world, and this is due to unique population histories. In the process of spreading around the world, many populations—with their special mitochondrial haplogroups—became isolated, and specific haplogroups concentrated in geographic regions. Today, we have identified certain haplogroups that originated in Africa, Europe, Asia, the islands of the Pacific, the Americas, and even particular ethnic groups. Of course, haplogroups that are specific to one region are sometimes found in another, but this is due to recent migration.
The mitochondrial super-haplogroup U encompasses haplogroups U1-U7 and haplogroup K. Haplogroup U5, with its own multiple lineages nested within, is the oldest European-specific haplogroup, and its origin dates to approximately 50,000 years ago. Most likely arising in the Near East, and spreading into Europe in a very early expansion, the presence of haplogroup U5 in Europe pre-dates the expansion of agriculture in Europe. Haplogroup U5a1a—a lineage within haplogroup U5—arose in Europe less than 20,000 years ago, and is mainly found in northwest and north-central Europe. The modern distribution of haplogroup U5a1a suggests that individuals bearing this haplogroup were part of the populations that had tracked the retreat of ice sheets from Europe.
EthnoAncestry - http://www.ethnoancestry.com/
EthnoAncestry - http://www.ethnoancestry.com/
Max Blankfeld - FTDNA - max@familytreedna.com
Native to Doggerland:
Doggerland is the former landmass in the southern North Sea which connected the island of Great Britain to mainland Europe during the last ice age. Geological surveys have suggested that Doggerland was a large dry land area that stretched from Britain's east coast across to the present coast of the Netherlands and the western coasts of Germany and Denmark. The land was likely a rich habitat with human habitation in the Mesolithic period. Trawlers in the North Sea have dragged up mammoth and lion remains, among other remains of land animals.
Before the first of the Pleistocene (and current) Ice Ages the Rhine flowed northwards into the North Sea at a time when the North Sea was dry. (It is thought that a Cenozoic silt deposit in East Anglia is the bed of an old course of the Rhine.) The Weald was twice as long as it is now and stretched across what is now the Strait of Dover (and the modern Boulonnais is a remnant of its east end), until Scandinavian and Scottish ice met for the first time. In the southern North Sea a large proglacial lake then formed, which received the river drainage and ice melt from much of northern Europe and western Russia. The water then overflowed over the Weald into the English Channel and cut a deep gap which sea erosion later widened gradually into the Strait of Dover.
Before the end of the Devensian glaciation (the most recent ice age) around 10,000 years ago, the British Isles were part of continental Europe. During this period the North Sea and almost all of the British Isles were covered with ice. The sea level was about 120 m lower than it is today, and much of the North Sea and English Channel was an expanse of low-lying tundra.
It is thought that after the first main Ice Age the watershed between North Sea drainage and English Channel drainage was from East Anglia east then southeast to the Hook of Holland, not across the Strait of Dover, and that the Thames and the Rhine joined and flowed along the English Channel dry bed as a wide slow river which at times flowed far before reaching the sea.
After the end of the last ice age, Doggerland became submerged beneath the North Sea, cutting off what was previously the British peninsula from the European mainland. The Dogger Bank was an upland area of Doggerland. However, several reports warn that the current relief of the southern North Sea seabed is not a sound guide to the topography of Doggerland.
In popular culture
The "Mammoth Journey" episode of the BBC television programme Walking with Beasts is partly set on the dry bed of the southern North Sea. The area also featured in the "Britain's Drowned World" episode of the Channel 4 Time Team documentary.
Some even theorize that S21 arose in Doggerland, which was the area of what's now the North Sea that was a landbridge between the continent and the British Isles during the Ice Age.
Of course, since that area is now under the North Sea, it's virtually impossible to prove.
The Cistercian Order - Azzolina
St. Ascelina - Feastday: August 23, 1195
Cistercian mystic and relative of St. Bernard. She was born in 1121 and entered the Cistercian convent at Boulancourt, Haute-Marne, France. There she was known for her mystical gifts.
St. Ascelina of Boulancourt (French, Cistercian nun, mystic, d. 1195)
The Order of Cistercians (OCist; Latin: Cistercienses), sometimes called the White Monks (from the colour of the habit, over which a black scapular or apron is sometimes worn) is a Roman Catholic religious order of enclosed monks. The first Cistercian abbey was founded by Robert of Molesme in 1098, at Cîteaux Abbey. Two others, Saint Alberic of Citeaux and Saint Stephen Harding, are considered co-founders of the order, and Bernard of Clairvaux is associated with the fast spread of the order during the 12th century.
The Templars are known to history as the warrior monks, but what is not as commonly known is the kinship the Order shared with the Cistercians, the true and original white-mantled monks/Bernardine. - under St.Benedict Rule.
Limoges is a city and commune in France, the préfecture of the Haute-Vienne département, and the administrative capital of the Limousin région.
Périgord is a former province of France, corresponding to the current Dordogne département, now forming the northern part of the Aquitaine région. Itself divided into four regions; the Périgord(s) Noir, Blanc, Vert and Rouge, its geography and natural resources make it one of the untouched regions of Europe, and the newly-formed Parc Naturel Périgord-Limousin aims to conserve it as such.
Raciti-Caggegi and Azzolina, Serraino, Merlo, Aliberti DNA information:
The Historical Background
According to conventional history, the British Isles, Gaul
(France and Belgium), and the northwest European coastline, in
ancient times, were settled by peoples of Celtic culture. A
predominant element amongst the Celts were the Galatians to whom
belonged the Cymbri in Denmark, the Cimry and Caledonians in
Britain, and the Galli in Gaul. The Galatians were ascribed
Cimmerian origin by Classical writers6a which is substantiated
by archaeological evidence and other sources. The Cimmerians had
first appeared on the fringes of the Assyrian Empire shortly
after the majority of northern Israelites had been exiled, and
all areas of their early appearance were those to which
Israelites had been transported. The Cimmerians from the Middle
East area moved to the west where they merged with and
transformed the Celtic civilisation which they came to dominate.
In the period 50 b.c.e. to 450 c.e. the Cimmerian-Galatian
sphere in the west was overrun by a host of newcomers, such as,
the Danes, Vandals, Goths, Suebians, Angles, Jutes, and Franks.
All of these peoples were akin to each other and also had
ancestral links with the Galatian peoples they were conquering.
These nations had advanced via Germany and Scandinavia from
further east, from the area of "Scythia" which encompassed
Russia, Siberia, and even what is now northern China. Prior to
their being in "Scythia" the same peoples had been found on the
fringes of the Assyrian Empire, in northern Mesopotamia, the
Caucasus and Zagros mountain areas and in eastern Iran. They
had previously been transferred en-masse from the LAND OF
ISRAEL. In Israel they had been part of a Twelve Tribed
Nation,each tribe being divided into smaller familial groupings
and sub-clans. The Assyrian directed relocation of these
"Israelites" was accompanied by the partial breaking-up and
scattering of the Tribal units. Nevertheless, enough of the
original organisational patterns were to be maintained to
enable today the identification of historical groups within the
places of exile with Israelite entities and to trace their
subsequent movements.
The identifiable Israelite descended peoples were destined to
reach and settle in northwest Europe, where too, the same Tribal
and Tribal-clan equations are possible. What exact percentage
of Israelite parentage exists in the relevant nations wherein
these groups settled is uncertain but it appears to be
substantial. At all events, wherever else parts of the Lost Ten
Tribes of Israel may or may not be their overwhelming majority
migrated to the above mentioned areas, as the following facts
My matches: The Gael and Cymbri...
Etheridge, Etheredge, Etherege, Etherige, Ettridge, Etridge, Everidge, Attridge
Elliott, Elliott, Elliot, Eliot, Eliott, Ellegett, Ellegot, Ellecot, Ellacott, Ellacot, Ellgate, Ellett, Ellit
Cymraeg - Cymru - Wales - The Gael and Cymbri - Gallic - Gaelic - Danes.
Haug, Hughes, Hugh, Hews, Hughs, Hues, Huse
Quesnel, Quesnell, Quesnelle, Quesnoy, Quesnay, Quesne, Quesneau, du Quesnel, du Quesnell, Quennell, Quennel, Du Quesnoy, du Quesnay, du Quesne
Vance, Vans, Vaux, de Vallibus
Norman - Vikings, or Norsemen
Welsh settlement in Argentina
Giovanni Raciti - Cimbri or Frisian?
The Danish Vikings (and possibly some Jutes who arrived in Kent, Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight circa 449 AD) who settled in the English Danelaw doubtless included Cimbri descendants from the Limfjord in Himmerland. In addition to providing detailed archaeological, historical and linguistic data to provide a chronological perspective relating to the Cimbri and their associates the Teutones, a recent study [2] focuses on genetic data. The Y-chromosome "signatures" of some from the Danish speaking area of the Danelaw (but not elsewhere in England or in Ireland at all), as well as regions believed to be settled by the Cimbri in Iron Age times (e.g., southeastern Norway), possess the single nucleotide polymorphism marker S28. This marker, which defines the phylogenetic category R1b1c10 is found at highest concentration in the Alpine areas of Germany, Switzerland and Italy and fans out across the area of Central Europe, as far east as Greece, known to have been inhabited by the La Tene Celts.
Frisian marker - R1b1c9, R1b1c9a
The modern remnants of Frisia Magna are small and scattered. Most of it became dominated by its expanding neighbors: the Saxons (who were moving north and west) and the Franks (who were pushing north and east). Western and Middle Frisia are solidly within the modern state of the Netherlands, which now includes the "heartland" of the Frisians from the North Sea coast from Alkmaar in the modern province of Noord-Holland, along the coasts of the modern provinces of Friesland and Groningen, and up to the mouth of the Ems. Culturally, it has shrunk down to the province of Friesland alone. The Frisian language is now spoken there and in parts of the Wadden Sea islands of Terschelling and Schiermonnikoog (West Frisian language), in the German municipality of Saterland (Saterland Frisian language) and in parts of the German district North Frisia (North Frisian) on the west coast of Jutland. The North Frisian language is under heavy pressure from Low German, Standard German and faces possible extinction. A total of 29 schools in Southern Schleswig offer courses in Frisian.[16] The language is not spoken in Denmark. The East Frisian Low Saxon (a dialect of the Low Saxon) is spoken in East Frisia.
Frisian Migrations
The Frisian people also migrated to other areas in Europe. Migrations to England during the early Middle Ages (along with the Angles, Saxons and Jutes) have been particularly well characterized through genetics, linguistics, and archeology. [15] The Frisian language has much in common with Old English.
In the Faorese island of Suðuroy people refer to 'Frísarnir í Akrabergi' (the Frisians of Akraberg), indicating that the Frisians might have had some sort of settlement there.
R1b1c9*, a, b - & - R1b1c10
There is, however, one exception - a grouping within the subclade S21+. What some have called "Frisian" with DYS390 = 23, if seen with DYS492 = 13, is in fact very likely to be S21+. However what I think many fail to realize is that about half of the S21+ group cannot be predicted in this manner. Curiously I have two Shetlanders with aboriginal (Norse) surnames who with 37 markers fit the S21 pattern but they test negative; however another who is Western Atlantic Modal Haplotype does test S21+. It is clearly bimodal, "Frisian" and "other". Being DYS492 = 13 or 14 is strongly suggestive of all varieties of S21+.
Subgroupings of R1b1c9 can however generally be predicted. R1b1c9a is seen when the testing DYS439 returns a null value. R1b1c9b has a fairly distinctive pattern of Y-STR scores.
All R1b1c9 of whatever stripe is to date found in the heaviest concentration in the Saxon - Frisian region (where it approaches 75% of the R1b1c in that location), and tapers off slightly into Scandinavia (where it is still the predominant R1b1c haplogroup), and falls somewhat precipitously as one travels to the west (except in England and Lowland Scotland where it can make up 50% of the R1b1c). The strong showing in Italy may reflect the footprint of Germanics such as the Lombards, or perhaps the remnants of those who over-wintered in that region while R1b1c* was basking in the Franco - Cantabrian area. To date a lack of data means that we don't know if eastern R1b1c, (e.g., Hungarian; Ashkenazi; Anatolian), is R1b1c*, R1b1c9, or R1b1c10.
It is now quite evident that there is no way to predict R1b1c10 from a haplotype, even at 67 markers. Ron Scott's database of extended haplotypes for SNP tested R1b is a good starting point. Most S28+ Y-STR markers are modal for R1b1c. I (being S28+) have the very unusual DYS444 = 14 (12 being a strong modal) but of the totality of the R1b1c10 with extended haplotypes, only one (ancestor from Kent County) shares this with me. There is no consistency whatsoever within the R1b1c10 haplogroup subclade - they "look" no different compared to R1b1c*, or R1b1c6 for that matter.
As to distribution of this haplogroup subclade there is a very definite "hotspot" in Switzerland, Alpine Germany, and Northern Italy. The majority of R1b1c whom EA has tested from this area are S28+, although we are looking at relatively small sample sizes. From this "epicentre" the haplogroup radiates out through the middle of France to the Bay of Biscay (France being a mixture of R1b1c*, 4, 6, 9 and 10 - at the moment I don't know which predominates). To the east it follows the path of the La Tene Celtic migration of the 4th Century BC, ending up in Southern Poland and the Balkans - and likely further east but there is as yet no data so nothing further can be said. There is an "isolated" enclave in Southern Scandinavia that has shown itself in the English Danelaw, those with aboriginal (place) surnames in Orkney (characteristic of Norse families), and coastal Eastern Scotland (only in those places known to have been settled by the Vikings).
Further research may confirm that R1b1c10 is one of the largest haplogroups found in Central Europe north of the Alps. Perhaps this holds true until interfacing with the large haplogroup R1b1c* groups of the west (plus their likely kindred R1b1c4, 5, and 7); R1b1c9 and I1a in the north; and the I1b and R1a1 populations of the Slavic - speaking world in the east. To date there has not been an exception (time will likely cure this) of S28+ being found outside the known areas of 4th Century La Tene Celtic migrations and settlement. Hence for the present we might tentatively term it the "La Tene Celt marker". Perhaps some will find this a tad presumptuous or simplistic - but nothing ventured, nothing gained. In this instance there does seem to be a noteworthy correspondence between the distribution patterns of archaeological assemblages of the Hallstatt and La Tene eras, and this particular genetic marker. Based on this observation I predict that ancient DNA testing of, for example, the La Tene cemeteries in Bohemia (home of the Boii tribe), but also the burial places of the Helvetii and related tribes of the Alpine regions, will predominantly test R1b1c10 (S28), as will the present day R1b1c populations of these domains - they being descendants of the "Ancient Celts".
Azzolina's in Bremen
Baby names that sound like Acelin are Acilino, Aslan and Joslin. Other similar baby names are Acel, Allin, Alin, Ailin, Arlin, Ashlin and Adlin.
Acelin: "Highborn."
[B]Acelin[/B], dean of Bremen, was consecrated bishop in [B]1061[/B]
[B]Bremen[/B] :
Formerly the seat of an archdiocese situated in the north-western part of the present [B]German Empire[/B]. After Charlemagne's conquest of the [B]Saxons[/B], Christianity was preached in the region about the lower Elbe and the lower Weser by St. Willehad; in 787 Willehad was consecrated bishop, and that part of Saxony and Friesland about the mouth of the Weser assigned him for his diocese. He chose as his see the city of Bremen, which is mentioned for the first time in documents of 782, and built there a cathedral, praised for its beauty by St. Anschar; it was dedicated in 789. The Diocese of Bremen, however, was erected only under St. Willehad's successor, St. Willerich (804 or 805-838). After the death of the third bishop, Leuderich (d. 845), by an act of synod of Mainz (848), Bremen was united with the Archdiocese of Hamburg, which, since its foundation, in 831, had been under St. Anschar, who was appointed first archbishop of the new archdiocese (848-865). [B]Hamburg had been destroyed by the Vikings in 845[/B], and in 1072, after a second destruction of the city, the archiepiscopal see was definitely transferred to Bremen, though the title was not formally transferred until 1223. Until the secularization of 1803 Hamburg had its own cathedral chapter. Before it was united with Hamburg, the Diocese of Bremen had belonged to the Province of Cologne. Despite the protests of the Archbishop of Cologne against the separation of Bremen, Pope Nicholas I, in 864, confirmed the new foundation, which fell heir to the task of evangelizing the pagan North.
Name Origins - for U5a1a Members:
English: 34 %
Norman-/French: 23 %
Scottish: 19 %
Anglo-Saxon-/German: 11 %
Irish: 7 %
Welsh: 4 %
These are the cultural names that match me mainly on my Y-DNA (R1b1c*).
English Names - 41%
Scottish Names - 18%
Irish Names - 16%
French Names - 16%
German Names - 5%
Dutch Names - 4%
There is definely a Norman/Anglo-Saxon/Frisian - connection with my genetic matches in the FTDNA database.
The Cimbri
but with persuasive evidence for a much earlier date (6th Century), resided in what is
today Himmerland County, Jutland, Denmark. Some ultimately settled in the Vestfold
area of Southeast Norway and perhaps Hordaland. The writings of Classical Greek and
Roman authors make it clear despite their location in the Germanic north, they spoke a
Celtic language related to Gaulish P-Celt, originated in the Celtic lands between Gaul and
Moravia with prongs in Jutland as well as both sides of the Alps, and had a culture that
was overwhelmingly Celtic. Their Celtic affiliation lasted until some time between the
3rd and 6th Centuries AD when they lost their tribal identity subsequent to merging with
the Danes. Archaeological data confirms that their culture was Celtic, with some of the
most impressive Celtic finds in Europe coming from Himmerland. Genetic data points to
a prototypic La Tene Central European Y-chromosome DNA marker (S28-R1b1c10) as
being one key component of the genetic mix of the Cimbri. This marker links them to
their Central European kinfolk (e.g., in Switzerland and Northern Italy), and their Danish
and Norse Viking descendants in Eastern England, the Orkney Islands and elsewhere.
S28 is a novel SNP that has been little studied to date that defines a subgroup of R1b1c. Although caution is required due to biased reporting of SNP testing it appears to be a reasonably frequent SNP within R1b its age suggests it occurred in the hunter-gatherer period after the last ice age. Its distribution strongly suggests it originated in Europe, the moderate frequency in England is consistent with perhaps one third of the Y chromosomes in the region having a post hunter-gatherer European origin.
Celts in Italy
Celts in Italy
There was an early Celtic presence in northern Italy since inscriptions dated to the sixth century BC have been found there. In 391BC Celts "who had their homes beyond the Alps streamed through the passes in great strength and seized the territory that lay between the Appeninne mountains and the Alps" according to Diodorus Siculus. The Po Valley and the rest of northern Italy (known to the Romans as Cisalpine Gaul) was inhabited by Celtic-speakers who founded cities such as Milan. Later the Roman army was routed at the battle of Allia and Rome was sacked in 390BC.
At the battle of Telemon in 225 BC a large Celtic army was trapped between two Roman forces and crushed.
The defeat of the combined Samnite, Celtic and Etruscan alliance by the Romans in the Third Samnite War sounded the beginning of the end of the Celtic domination in mainland Europe, but it was not until 192 BC that the Roman armies conquered the last remaining independent Celtic kingdoms in Italy.
The Celts settled much further south of the Po River than many maps show. Remnants in the town of Doccia, in the province of Emilia-Romagna, showcase Celtic houses in very good condition dating from about the 4th century BC.
Norman Roman Templar Genes - Haplogroup R-M269 - R1b1a1a2 - DYS464X: 15c-15c-17c-17g
Norman Roman Templar Genes - Haplogroup R-M269 - R1b1a1a2 - DYS464X: 15c-15c-17c-17g Haplogroup R-M269 , also known as R1b1a1a2 , is a s...

Famous R1b individuals R1b-L11 branch The Adams Surname Y-DNA Project compared the Y-DNA of 15 families that have an oral histo...
Normans & Anglo-Saxons: Our ancient family has come from Western Germany, branching out to the south into Switzerland & North-West i...
Norman Roman Templar Genes - Haplogroup R-M269 - R1b1a1a2 - DYS464X: 15c-15c-17c-17g Haplogroup R-M269 , also known as R1b1a1a2 , is a s...